We all want to believe that a friend, family member or "someone" may
take care of our pets. Perhaps they even told us they might. But why
leave something like your pet's life to chance? An estimated 500,000
loved pets are abandoned or killed every year because a pet owner just
like you believed a family member, friend or caregiver would provide
care. The law views your pets as property so they have very little to no
rights. It is up to you to protect your pet's future. A PetWill allows
you to document your pet's photos, care instructions, diet, needs, vet
info, allergies, microchip ID, medication and more. Only you know the
most important details about your pet. PetWill let's you put it in
writing, backs up your wishes online 24/7 and gives your pet's their own
voice when it matters most.
Do I really need a PetWill? Won't someone take care of my pet in case something happens? Print
Modified on: Mon, Sep 19, 2016 at 10:30 AM
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