Your PetWill Pet Trust document can still provide valuable protection for your pets. Your Online Pet Profile and Identification Tag will still provide the critical information necessary to provide care for your pet, including the names of all Pet Guardians. If you don't leave any or enough money for your pet, your named Pet Guardian will need to assume the financial responsibility for your pets. That's why it is important to make sure the people and organizations you choose as Pet Guardians are prepared to provide lifetime care. We encourage everyone with a PetWill to make sure there are sufficient assets to provide care for your pets and that your PetWill Pet Trust document is properly funded. Money in bank accounts can be left for the care of your pets often known as "Trust Bank Accounts" and directly linked to your PetWill Pet Trust document which the bank might require a copy. You can also leave retirement plans, insurance policies, stocks and more for your pets' care. Once you download your PetWill Pet Trust document a section towards the end called "Schedule B Pet Trust Assets" is where you manually type in financial information should you be leaving funds for your pets' future care, then print the PetWill Pet Trust document with this information completed. For your privacy, PetWill does not store your sensitive financial information anywhere on our systems as all of this information is on your local computer.