We have designed the PetWill Pet Trust document to be valid in all 50 states. However, if you move to a new state, YES, we encourage you to update your State of Residence in your My Account page, re-print your PetWill Pet Trust document, have two witnesses present and re-notarize it in your new state. Furthermore, you may choose to consult with a qualified attorney in your new home state to make sure all estate planning is consistent with your new state's laws. Because each state has a different interpretation of pet trust laws.
Do I have to update my State of Residence in my PetWill if I move to another state? And if so, does it affect my PetWill Pet Trust document, requiring me to re-print and re-notarize my PetWill Pet Trust document? Print
Modified on: Mon, Sep 19, 2016 at 10:56 AM
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